Xikaku, Sight Beyond Sight

Xikaku from the Japanese “Shikaku” (視覚) means “vision”; our aim is to develop solutions with a vision of the future. Xikaku, Inc. is the American partner of LP-RESEARCH Inc., a company based in Tokyo, Japan specialized in the design and development of life science and research products.

We offer a wide range of products including Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) devices, Virtual Reality Tracking solutions, systems for Human Motion Capture and Automatic Guided Vehicle (AGV). Our products are used across industries such as automotive design, automated manufacturing, architecture/construction, warehouse automation, sports science, and medical training.

We take great pride in crafting state-of-the-art products that help our customers implement essential solutions to complex problems. Our work doesn’t end with the delivery of a product, we work hard to support the implementation of our solutions providing the maximum gain to our users.
